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Prevention Program

Dental cavities are the most common chronic disease in children. Cavities can affect deciduous dentition (baby teeth) and permanent dentition (adult teeth).  Underprivileged children are more likely to experience cavities, which leads to further problems when left untreated. Cavities can be a precursor for tooth loss and gum disease, increasing the chance of developing health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. We hope our preventative program can allow IMA girls to form healthy habits and eradicate rampant dental cavities.

Through our Preventative Program, we provide:

  • Fluoride treatments for each child every six months
  • Prophylaxis/teeth cleaning twice a year
  • Oral Hygiene instructions twice a year
  • Silver Diamine Fluoride (arrests untreated dental cavities)
  • Sealants

Prevention Program

Dental cavities are the most common chronic disease in children. Cavities can affect deciduous dentition (baby teeth) AND permanent dentition (adult teeth).
Underprivileged children are more likely to experience cavities, which leads to further problems when left untreated. Cavities can be a precursor for tooth loss and gum disease, increasing the chance of developing health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. We hope our preventative program can allow IMA girls to form healthy habits and eradicate rampant dental cavities.

Through our Preventative Program, we provide:

  • Fluoride treatments for each child every six months
  • Prophylaxis/teeth cleaning twice a year
  • Oral Hygiene instructions twice a year
  • Silver Diamine Fluoride (arrests untreated dental cavities)
  • Sealants

Treatment Program

By saving a tooth, you preserve the smile for a lifetime. Dental treatment in early childhood is essential. Without treatment, decay can lead to tooth loss, severe infections, low self-esteem, gastrointestinal disorders, the inability to chew, undernourishment, and many more potential medical emergencies. In addition, tooth decay can affect the maturation of adult dentition.

Through our Dental Treatment Program, we provide:

  • Oral surgery
  • Fillings
  • Extractions
  • Crowns
  • Orthodontia
  • Dental X-rays

Treatment Program

By saving a tooth, you preserve the smile for a lifetime. Dental treatment in early childhood is essential. Without treatment, decay can lead to tooth loss, severe infections, low self-esteem, gastrointestinal disorders, unable to chew, undernourishment, and many more potential medical emergencies. In addition, tooth decay can affect the maturation of adult dentition.

Through our Dental Treatment Program, we provide:

  • Oral surgery
  • Fillings
  • Extractions
  • Crowns
  • Orthodontia
  • Dental X-rays

Education and Nutrition Program

Happy teeth are healthy teeth! Healthy habits start at home. Therefore, our education and nutrition program will give IMA parents the resources they need to learn about oral hygiene care and the direct relationship nutrition has with healthy teeth.
Most Guatemalan children lack the education or resources to understand the importance of proper oral health. Not only is there lower oral health literacy, but they have little access to food and lack dietary knowledge. Unfortunately, there is a scarcity of healthy produce and an overabundance of junk food.
In Guatemala, every two children suffer chronic malnutrition. Research shows that most children in rural communities have moved away from home-cooked meals and rely on snack foods throughout the day. Most of their meals consist of corn and sugar. They eat fried foods, chips, soda, vending machine food, candy, and sugar-sweetened fruit beverages. In addition, mothers give their babies coffee, soda, sugar water, and corn flour water in their bottles which inundate their teeth with fermentable carbohydrates leading to a high risk for cavities.
Through our program, we strive to change Guatemalan children’s lack of resources and healthy food options.

Through our Dental Education Program, we provide

  • Educational classes for students and their parents
  • Helpful educational materials and handouts
  • Educational Videos
  • Nutrition Lessons

Education and Nutrition Program

Happy teeth are healthy teeth! Healthy habits start at home. Therefore, our education and nutrition program will give IMA parents the resources they need to learn about oral hygiene care and the direct relationship nutrition has with healthy teeth. Most Guatemalan children lack the education or resources to understand the importance of proper oral health. Not only is there lower oral health literacy, but they have little access to food and lack dietary knowledge. Unfortunately, there is a scarcity of healthy produce and an overabundance of junk food.
In Guatemala, every two children suffer chronic malnutrition. Research shows that most children in rural communities have moved away from home-cooked meals and rely on snack foods throughout the day. Most of their meals consist of corn and sugar. They eat fried foods, chips, soda, vending machine food, candy, and sugar-sweetened fruit beverages. In addition, mothers give their babies coffee, soda, sugar water, and corn flour water in their bottles which inundate their teeth with fermentable carbohydrates leading to a high risk for cavities.
Through our program, we strive to change Guatemalan children’s lack of resources and healthy food options.

Through our Dental Education Program, we provide

  • Educational classes for students and their parents
  • Helpful educational materials and handouts
  • Educational Videos
  • Nutrition Lessons
